Inspections Over Coffee

75 Manhattan Drive, Boulder, CO 80303

Partner   Home Inspection    Active - Office Partner


Updated: 06-19-2023 03:27am

  Partner Description



  1. How We're Different:andnbsp;Buying a new home should be fun. We talk with you and your real estate agent not at you or around you. We bring the knowledge without all the typical tech talk and scare tactics.andnbsp;

  2. New Name, New 'tude:andnbsp;Previously named HERO Inspections and Environmental, we meant we wanted to make the real estate agent and the home owner the hero of their story. But, itandnbsp;came across like we were wearin' capes.

  3. Awesome Guarantees andamp; Warranties Bundle:andnbsp;We include $100k+ of warranties, dollars towards home -improvements, property history and recall reportsandnbsp;in the base price of our inspections.

  4. Experienced, Certified andamp; Qualified:andnbsp;100’s of inspections monthly means we have tons of experience.andnbsp;All inspectors are always NACHI and CPI.

  5. Licensed andamp; Insured:andnbsp;All state andamp; local licenses required, along withe very inspection and inspector is covered with industry leading General Liability and Errors andamp; Omissions coverage.

  6. Strict Guidelines andamp; Checklists:andnbsp;Our inspectors are trained to follow the same path at every house. Intensive training and detailed standards ensure all angles of the house are covered.

  7. Easy andamp; Fast Reporting:andnbsp;At your fingertips online and complete with photos, videos and color coding. They’re easy to follow and easy to use. And, reports are in hand same day.

  8. Rock Star Availability:andnbsp;We rock oodles of templates, and our system is tested. So, even though we’re jammin’ thousands of inspections, we’re known.

  9. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work:andnbsp;As a nationwide team we clockandnbsp;1000's of inspections every year, we rally around each other and reap the benefits of our collective experience and skills.

  10. Let's Talk Money:andnbsp;Apples to apples our pricing is highly competitive. When you start adding in all the value we bring with our warranty bundle - we think we’re a juicy deal.

  11. Extra Environmental Services:andnbsp;Our inspectors are local experts on environmental issues that can
    effect the health of your home. Environmental testing and evaluations are available as a-la-cart add ons.

  12. Advisor Only andamp; Nothing Pushy:andnbsp;We're there to ensure home buyers don'tandnbsp;inherit problems, unknowingly. We're not here to insist on repairs or influence negotiations.



  Contact Partner

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