Fidelity National Home Warranty

Castle Pines, CO 80108

Partner   Insurance    Active - Office Partner


Updated: 05-25-2023 10:26pm

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Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a home warranty protection plan

Fidelity National Home Warranty helps manage and protect your home expenses with protection plans that cover major systems and appliances. Whether you are a home buyer or home seller, a home warranty is a very affordable way to protect your most valuable asset! It is the type of investment that pays for itself. There is simply no substitute.

The Benefits of a Home Warranty

A one-year home warranty service contract from Fidelity National Home Warranty covers the repair/and or replacement of a home's major appliances, mechanical andamp; plumbing systems.

Real Estate Pro
A home warranty is a very important aspect of the real estate transaction. It provides many benefits during the listing period, while the home is under contract, and after the close of sale.

  • Homes with home warranties can sell faster and closer to the asking price, minimizing marketing efforts
  • Free marketing tools to assist agents in building their business
  • Reduces after sale hassles — when a buyer experiences a breakdown, they call the warranty company, not the agent
  • Satisfied clients will generate increased repeat/referral business

Adding up the seller and buyer benefits, the Real Estate Professional can't go wrong in placing a home warranty on all their transactions.

Help is only a phone call away! The benefits of a Fidelity National Home Warranty plan far outweigh the costs:

  • One call
  • One service fee
  • Most major systems andamp; appliances covered under the basic plan
  • Superior customer service
  • Quick, efficient response time

The cost of a service plan is a smart investment to preserve your peace of mind!

Home Buyer
A home warranty plan provides budget protection and peace of mind for home buyers who otherwise might not be able to handle unexpected repair bills at a time when they are usually least affordable. The benefits of a Fidelity National home warranty plan include:

  • Budget/cash flow protection on unexpected repairs
  • Convenience of one call, one small service fee and prompt response
  • Most major systems and appliances covered under the standard plan
  • Provides added home protection from costly repairs or replacement
  • Provides ongoing home protection — renewable year after year!
  • Full replacement of covered items — if we can't fix it, we'll replace it

Home warranties offer protection against costly repairs to sellers while the home is listed for sale, and peace of mind for the buyer (and seller) after the close of sale. In addition, homes listed with a home warranty are more attractive to potential buyers, and tend to sell faster and closer to the asking price. The benefits of a Fidelity National home warranty plan for someone trying to sell their home far outweigh the cost:

  • Value added incentive to attract buyers
  • Minimal cost — premium not paid until closing
  • Budget/cash flow protection on unexpected repairs
  • Reduced after sale worries — if a breakdown does happen after that closing, the buyer will call the warranty company, not the seller



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